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Clevamama Nite Nite Swaddle 0-9m - Blue / Pink / Yellow

RM 130.90
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super soft baby sleeping romper comforts and grows with baby during and after the swaddling stage. It is made from 100% soft breathable cotton and is acknowledged by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute for its design which swaddles to waistline for a hip-healthy natural leg position.

  • 0 to 3 months - It's a snug Swaddle, which cocoons your baby and helps to prevent startle reflex. It is easy to swaddle your baby with arms tucked in for total snugness or arms out.
  • 3 to 6 months - It transitions to a cosy sleep bag.  Unclick the poppers to free your baby’s arms and hands to allow them to self soothe
  • 6 months plus - Their favourite sleep bag becomes a Romper.  Simply open the poppers at the bottom and baby is free to stand up and move about.

The Nite Nite romper also has a 2-way zip for easy changing, a chin guard and safe open/close clickable poppers and has a tog rating of 1.0 which means it is ideal for room temperatures between 20°C to 24°C.

Designed to make it natural for baby to move from swaddles to a sleeping bag.  It helps your baby to stay active and allows freedom to move around, while enjoying the comfort.


Blue / Pink / Yellow

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