Globber's helmet for toddlers delivers a comfortable & safe fit for young riders. Globber's kids helmet (EVO range) comes with a new helmet design for toddlers. Globber's helmet for toddlers provides excellent ventilation thanks to its 11 air vents cooling system.
Globber's range of helmets for toddlers are an extra-safe helmet choice with EPS impact-absorbing foam liner and a LED light at the back of the kid's helmet for maximum visibility. Globber's helmet for toddlers is super easy to adjust the fit by using the adjustable knob at the back of the helmet.
To fit size head 48 - 53cm
Size: XS - S
In-mold polycarbonate (PC) outer shell.
11 air vents cooling system.
LED light flashes in red for maximum visibility.
EPS impact-absorbing foam liner.
Easily adjust the fit by the knob.
Requires 1 x 3V Battery
26cm(L) x 21cm(W) x 16cm(H)